oh my gosh there's so much money coming from this underground Google method that I'm about to go over this is crazy I've never shown this to anybody before this is one of the most powerful things you can do now I'm gonna show you an underground method to get ranked on Google costing no money requiring you to have no website no domain still get ranked on Google and you can make up to $4,000 per month with this method now get ready get prepared if you are ready to make some Google money first off type in Google money in the comments below but this is how this works scarily well and you'll be able to make some really fat commissions doing this so let's head over to my computer I'm going to show this to you step by step I'm going to be going over four steps picking your keyword getting your links creating the content that we're gonna get ranked on Google and then uploading that content to the Internet then it's just about watching making the money so let's get into this guy's get ready I want to see those Google money's typed in the comments if you are committed to do this we're gonna go on my computer in just a second right there and go over this method let's get it [Music] now once again we're going through an underground Google SEO method you can make up to 4,000 a month doing this you can do this any country in the world any age I don't care if you're 13 years old I don't care if you're four years old we're gonna go over these four things we're gonna pick a keyword we're gonna get our links we're gonna create the content that we're gonna get ranked then we're gonna upload it so the first thing we want to do is we want to pick a keyword so to pick a keyword what the type of keywords we're gonna be looking for or college keywords so you want to look for different colleges so you know it could be a simple ass you know typing in you know colleges in let's say Idaho okay or let's say colleges in Ohio and we search colleges in Ohio and we see we get a ton of University results here but let's say Bowling Green State University let's just check it out okay Bowling Green State University we see they're ranked then it's just some random other stuff so this is a great keyword that's fairly specific let's go after this one so let's get it now the next step of this method we're going to get affiliate links because you don't want to spend time having a product and having a buy a product you don't want to have to spend money you don't want to have to post it on a Shopify store an Amazon store you set up a support number you're gonna have to set up a business address you're gonna have to rent an office so you have a business address store appeal bucks you don't want to have to do freaking consulting to fulfill these services you'd want to start your own social media agency then you have to start talking to customers and you have to do sales and you have to do prospecting you just want to simply tap some stuff on your computer make money and then be done with it now the way these Commission's will be sent to you is one of two ways one way is if you have an address it will be sent via check to your address the second way is it will be sent via wire transfer direct deposit to your bank account now I'm going to show you a number of different affiliate networks that you can join to get links to use to make money from this method so that's an essential part I'm not just trying to show you how to get traffic here on this channel John money club channel we are showing you getting the traffic and making the money now type in money club if you are part of my money club make sure you join the money club if you are wanting to go deeper with my training you can subscribe and be a part of that so let's get into affiliate networks few affiliate networks you will see the links in my description below so you can get links to join all of these and make sure you use my links so you can get accepted now some countries will not be accepted so I suggest you apply to all of these affiliate networks now one is Mac's web you can join that it's a very big affiliate network focused on digital products next affiliate network is called the super affiliate network this is one of my most recommended affiliate networks out there so you can join the super affiliate network you see average people from all walks of life are making money and having lots of success with this network and it's run by my friend Misha right there okay also join six figure mentors again the links are description they include a lot of training to help you get better in affiliate marketing also people from all walks life making money here click funnels is another great affiliate program that pays recurring commissions recurring commissions so you get a sale you get money for life okay you get 10 sales you'll be making $500 for life so that's great and even if you get a hundred sales with this program they'll buy you a car yeah I'm serious they'll buy you a car check this out Todd brown got a new Ferrari right there because he got enough sales with click funnels he's being handed it by Russell Brunson himself so then we have a few more there's digi store which any country in the world they accept and we also have Clickbank now for the purposes of this training I'm going to be using Clickbank to actually set this up now you'll want to create an account and then you'll want to sign up go to the affiliate marketplace right here we'll go to the affiliate marketplace and what we'll do is we will scroll down to e-business and e-marketing right there and you'll see one of the top programs here is Mike okay it's my product it's my training product where I teach people how to start an online business so it's called the super affiliate system and you can see that it pays about five hundred dollars you get eight sales eight people from the seven billion people around the world and you get them to buy this product and you will make money and this method works so good as I said it works scarily good the second you see this video put this into action because the keywords the best keywords are gonna go fast there's not only a couple thousand universities in the world and I have a hundred and sixty or 170,000 people that subscribe to me so think about that couple thousand keywords you want to get on this faster only a couple thousand colleges get on this fast before all the keywords are taken up now right here click promote so we're gonna get have a link to my program click promote and you're gonna enter in your account nickname whatever that is and I'm just gonna type in underground method okay we're just gonna leave the link as the default and then we'll click right here generate hop link right there and then you see we have our generated hop links so we can copy that or we can just click this button okay and it copied see you have successfully copied your coply now the next step is pretty easy we're gonna go to Bigley and we're gonna shorten this link I'm gonna go down here where it says shorten your link I'm gonna paste it you see that links real big and ugly we're just gonna click this button shorten make it more clickable because people don't like clicking on big and ugly links so see it just it just turned it into this link so we can click copy right here to copy it okay now you'll notice that I opened up a notepad and I pasted both of my links in the notepad I posted a long one and I posted the short one because I want to be able to track I just want to have a quick reference because we're gonna use this link in just a little bit so we're actually gonna skip ahead we're gonna create the content first and we're gonna create it and we're going to upload it and we're going to put our link in there back in step four so just save this link put in a note or something somewhere on your computer and we're gonna come back to this in just a second so the next thing we want to do is you want to go to a site called flicks Express okay you can create videos in minutes now what we want to do here is I'm going to copy some of the text I'm actually going to give you a special bonus at the end of this video where you'll be able to get exactly what I'm doing a template of exactly what I'm doing to apply to all of the other thousands of keywords in the universe for this method and use them to make money okay and also my legal disclaimer my lawyers make me say this is this videos for entertainment purposes only okay this is not business advice results may vary you may not make any money doing this you know most most business owners fail frankly it's because they don't ever do anything they just watch videos and so don't be one of those people don't just sit back and watch the video not take action frankly I want to see you unsubscribe for my channel if you're just gonna watch videos and not actually do anything about it I know other youtubers will say oh you know what just thank you for watching the videos your you know watch stuff makes me happy in my channel girl I don't care about having I have more people subscribe to my channel than I want frankly I just want hungry wolves I just want hungry wolves who are gonna implement stuff go out there and make us both money because you put this stuff in action we both make money this is the number one money channel on YouTube because guys typing number one money channel on YouTube if you know it if you already know is the number one money channel on YouTube because I'm not here trying to pitch you courses or none of that stuff I'm trying to get you to make money because the more money you make the more money I make and it's we're working together here so let's check this out so we're gonna sign up to flicks Express and it says get started for free see that right there so just click that button right there get started for free and you can register an account you'll enter in some information or you could sign in with Google and just fill out the information so now we're on a screen where we can create a video now the video I want to create is this one these are video templates and I'm gonna give you the restless stuff to fill in I like the longer videos because these are gonna rank better so check out this video right here again if you're figuring out this is the number one money channel on YouTube type in number one money channel on YouTube when you're ready you know you skeptic so here we are on the template and when you use a free account with flicks Express you get an account balance of two minutes okay now this video is sixty five seconds it's about a minute so this video the whole video you can get for free this is you know you only get two minutes of videos for free but hopefully you make enough money so you can afford the five dollars or whatnot it takes so we're gonna go right here and we're gonna click customize now right there customize now we're gonna select five images okay so I'm gonna go to upload images right see that I clicked right there upload image and I'm gonna go to my folder where I already found some images now I'm just gonna click click click click click and I have my five images all set for me now how I found these images I will share this all with you at the end of the video where you can find this I will give you a free source file and you will be able to find the image and text examples so I tell you what image to use use an image of the college use a stop sign or a warning symbol search job slave for images and Google and use one of those images person with an idea image and just Google search that you know and a downwards arrow okay now once you've uploaded your images you're just gonna go click right up here which says proceed and you'll click proceed now we have to crop or fit these images to fit the subtitles so I'm gonna I'm gonna click here I'm just gonna get the bottom of that image and I'm doing this all really fast keep in mind you can do this better than me so I'm just rushing through this we have our college and we have our training slide and now I'm going to order them around so we want to have our you know let's reference our document here so the first image should be of a college okay first image is of the college then the second image is of a stop sign so we want to have a stop sign third image its job slave and the keyword we're going after is Bowling Green State University okay then we're having a person with an idea image so we're gonna say watch this entire training before you go to college we're gonna tell them that the link is in the description now follow along with me and if you're committed to following along with me if you've seen that these methods make money the type in money okay type in Google money in the comments below I want to see a bunch of Google money's because this is easy this is so simple to do and you can make money doing this Bowling Green State University do not go there until you watch this video okay and let's try to create a preview and see just what happens okay so I just submitted the video let's let's check this out of what we created we go right here see it just shows up in my preview so let's actually just download this and we're gonna upload this right away and we just created a video by the way people so we're gonna we're gonna check this out in a second but let's move on to the next step this may take you longer sorta depending on where you're at in life but we're gonna go over to YouTube I started a new channel and if you want to start a channel you go up here and you would create or you just type in create a YouTube channel now YouTube channels are free if you have a gmail account you already have a YouTube channel but you can click on any one of these links that'll show you how to create it if you need a more step-by-step process to create a youtube channel but it should be pretty obvious when you log into YouTube you can click up here and it will help you create a YouTube channel so we downloaded our video and there's a few things we want to do so we're gonna go back to this and we'll see the title of the uploaded file should be college name of your college – review okay so I'm gonna look at this this file that I just created ok and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna rename it bowling – Green – State – University – review dot mp4 now we're getting to the final stages of this entire method this is so simple and once you do it once you'll be able to do it over and over and over again very fast and I'm telling you do this as many times as possible do this for every single freaking keyword that you possibly can seems long don't worry that's just money it doesn't happen with a button press so if you want to go back to Twitter or Instagram and endless scroll through Facebook news post please unsubscribe from this channel this isn't for you this is for people who want step-by-step ways to make money online now here we are and I created a channel and I'm gonna khlo here and click that button which means upload video ok and we'll click upload video right there and we will go to our folder and we have Bowling Green State University review right here so I'm just gonna select file I'm gonna upload it I just dragged and dropped it right do not attend bowling now you can see in the file that I'm gonna share with you of the templates how to actually do this okay so you see the title of the video example it's right there and all you have to do is replace the actual bracketed areas with whatever keyword you're going after now also keep in mind that this video may be taken down at any time this training real problem it will be taken down very fast you want to you want to put this into action as soon as you see this video because this training will not be up for very long now if you're an avid fan of mine just put this into action as many times as possible ok now in the description what we're gonna do is we're gonna use our link remember we had our short link so here we are once again we're gonna use our short link right there and we're gonna copy it and we're gonna paste it into the description right there see that so people will know where to go the last thing we'll do is we'll type in bullying Green State University right there and in the keyword area and we're going to make this public and we're going to publish and go so let's check out our video and see how it looks [Music] [Laughter] let's get it so there's our video and I think that looks pretty amazing for just a few minutes of work I mean that video was created in about a minute or two I spent a lot of time explaining it you're going after unsaturated keywords you're going after and you're doing it in a great way that's going to get a lot of engagement okay this is hot you'll get ranked in Google because there are no if you look this up there aren't videos ranking for Google and people would rather watch videos than actually read text and deal with annoying website that's why this method works there's a lot more in this method that I could go into copywriting etc but I suggest that you modify things based on what you want you can go after colleges in Canada in Mexico in any country in the world you can go after actually you know really anything that you you want here do whatever you think is gonna work best but and and try to modify the copy you saw my the link is in description was a little bit cut off change it up there's a million things you can do to try this out just go for it and put this in action type in Google money in the chat free traffic method resources is in the description John force tiny compacts last resource Bowling Green State University is a great University I don't suggest you do this around Bowling Green State University they're fantastic I haven't been there but I'm sure it's fantastic I just read about it don't do anything to Bowling Green State University only post positive videos about Bowling Green State University this videos for entertainment purposes results may vary keep that in mind like subscribe comment hit that notification bell if you enjoyed this you got something out of this hope to see you put this into action make some serious money share this video with your friends while it's still up because this video will probably be taking down very fast talk to you soon go out there make money be an affiliate marketer live free take back control of your life talk to you soon [Applause] [Music]
How To Earn Money Online With Google ($4000+ Per Month!!)