we're talking about effective strategy to stay motivated at work here on the journey [Music] time is money you guys so if you're wasting your time you're wasting your money so we're gonna teach you some great ways to stay motivated at work and some surprising ways that you might be actually ruining your work day productivity starting with limit mobile notifications I know I'm super guilty of it I have my phone face up on my desk so every time I get a notification every time it rings beeps buzzes whatever I'm looking at my phone it's distract from a work go on Instagram going to the message and not working not being productive yet I can turn from minutes to hours you know it's too easy whenever you get that notification they go I gotta stop what I'm doing you know I can't pay attention to this anymore I got a notification and I'll check the gram right exactly but really it's just a distraction from the work you actually have to do so there are different things that we can do you know with your phone obviously you could hide your phone or download certain apps to actually make sure that you're using your time wisely and it goes beyond just mobile notifications I mean there's even extensions you can use online on your desktop to actually minimize those distractions keep you from going to certain websites so that you're not wasting your time yeah and the tool that you use is just a Chrome extension called stay focused and it does exactly that it helps you stay focused so you can set a timer of cool I'm working for an hour I want to make sure I block all that all those distracting sites that I know I'm gonna eventually go to because I have the tabs open and whatnot and what really helped me figure out where I was spending most of my time was this app called rescue time what it does is it tracks everything you do on your computer but it keeps it basically top of mind of cool you're on social media for four hours today you were working for two you're on this site for three hours whatever that looks like you can really understand where all your time is going and start to eliminate some of those things where you should probably shouldn't be using it as often and number two is do less but do it more strategically so this brings to mind Pareto's principle or the 80/20 rule so basically this economist vilfredo pareto he a long time ago realized that 20% of the population owned 80% of Italy's land ok so basically what that translates to is that 80% of the result so you're gonna get come from 20% of the actual work that you're doing so basically focus on that 20% that's what's gonna make a difference you know not all of your tasks have that same importance right and I like to really like help people understand and really figure out what that 20% is they're just thinking of a graph so on the left hand side we have importance or effectiveness on the bottom we have time then you're going to basically put into four different quadrants so up here we have high importance effectiveness low time basically want to find your sweet spot all the items that fit there you wanna do those first bottom left we have low time but low importance or effectiveness that's not really that important because it's not very effective it's not important over the bottom right here we have high time low effectiveness and important so we really don't want to touch that at all and then top right high time high importance and effectiveness we want to really make sure that the items there if they're going to take a lot of time so we have to section it out but that sweet spot is high importance high effectiveness but low time get those done first making sure that that's a part of that 20% yeah something that really helps me is if it's a task that you can take care of in two minutes or less do it right then if not then you know put it on your to-do lists and knock it out later and our third strategy is schedule less time than necessary you're a big fan of this one right Justin yeah sure Asus thing I'd like to work but no so schedule less time than necessary I know with meetings I like this a lot instead of going to full thirty minutes I'll schedule a fifteen minutes so we get all that content in same goes with your tasks right Parkinson's Law I talk about it a lot but basically it means however much time you give yourself to complete a task whether it's an hour a week whatever that might be that's how long it's going to take you so if you set aside time to do whatever task that you would have done in an hour scheduled for 30 minutes you'll be surprised that you'll actually get it done and now have thirty minutes go do whatever you want like math and that leads us to our next point yeah leave time for naps I wish but now it is schedule your unscheduled time so it's really important to make sure that you're setting aside that time to deal with all those notifications or any unexpected things because if you don't set aside that time then all of a sudden your entire day's schedule is just gonna be thrown in the garbage right you'll have meetings back to back to back with no breathing room telling everyone I have a hard stop at 11:30 except to go to another meeting in Amaro and stop at 12 and you don't even get to eat lunch it's happened too often make sure you schedule that unscheduled time and put yourself as busy that time is yours to just reset reflect on whatever's coming next give yourself that needed time yeah you're gonna want to at least leave about one-third of your day as unscheduled because those notifications all those unexpected tasks take up a lot of time right so leave about one-third of your day and that way it gives your brain that time to really reset recharge and be able to focus on the other tasks really more efficiently now moving on to our next strategy is procrastinate productively and what that means is go for a small walk complete little tasks like tidying up just anything to kind of reset and do something that's not your actual work and procrastinate I don't just procrastinate there to play video games or sit on a couch do something that's productive to another portion of your life yeah this is actually my favorite one because I am really bad about procrastinating so this helps me because you know if I have a really monotonous task that I need to do and I'm sitting there just dreading it I will tell myself okay you have five minutes to procrastinate if you go and do the dishes right so all of a sudden my options are okay you can either do this task or you can go do the dishes and so if I really really want to procrastinate then I at least I'm doing the dishes as well and you have to do them later number six is a fun one it's game affiant so I know I'm really competitive so it turns something into a you know a fun task like setting the timer for 10 to 20 minutes challenge yourself to get that task done in that 20 minutes yeah and I know I like to do this just and get myself little rewards so when I'm building out a website or doing whatever task I'll set that timer for 45 minutes an hour and then when I'm done with that I go and play xbox for like ten minutes just to reset that's my little gamification reward I have there but that timer it's really helps me to like cool I gotta get this task done in an hour being a little competitive with myself goes a long way yeah we actually have a video right over here about the Pomodoro Technique which is a really great way that you can use a timer to make yourself more efficient the next strategy we have for you is to limit decision-making sometimes making decisions all day is hard there's actually a term for that called decision fatigue so the more options and choices and decisions that you have to make all day the less productive you're actually gonna end up being yeah I'm extremely indecisive like I'll stand in front of my closet you know they're like I don't know what to wear whatever wasted time so a really great example of this is Steve Jobs so everyone knows that he wore that same black turtleneck all the time the reason he did that because it was one less decision he had to make every single day that way he could spend more of his time and energy actually focusing on his business rather than focusing on what should I wear time do you update my wardrobe our next strategy if you're having a hard time staying motivated is to change your surroundings it's amazing how just going to a different environment can really change your effort and re-energize you yeah absolutely where are some of the places that you like to go to re-energize yourself so it really depends on your personality and what works best for you I know for me if I need to focus I need to be somewhere that's a lot more quiet so I could go to like a coffee shop and get more caffeine while I'm at it but some people you know they need to go to a more energetic environment it really just depends on your style yeah I know I like to go to a different co-working spaces just because there's so many people just like me kind of that collaborative effort helps me get my energy going or I just see other people like just crushing and working like the competitiveness it means like cool I need to do better than them so it helps me work or there's always the library to go and have that free option and that super super quiet yeah there's a great co-working place in Austin that actually allows you to bring your dogs so not only you know are you able to work there but there's dogs everywhere so it's like heaven so those are our effective strategies to stay motivated at work make sure you like this video add a comment below and subscribe to our Channel and ring that bell so that you're the first one to know whenever we upload more videos this is the journey thanks for watching you