Elementary Windows Alternative: A Unix Based OS Windows And Mac Alternative
The Elementary windows alternative simply works!
You’re tired of windows with all its bugs and hangups? Can’t afford a Mac? Got an old windows laptop lying around? THIS is the way to go!!!
Update: Project #REVIVE #Acer #Aspire V5 471G-323 laptop #Hackintosh #Unix #ElementaryOS SOLVED! I FOUND A SOLUTION THAT WORKS!!! YEAH!
I wasted about 2 days reinstalling windows 8 on my old Acer laptop. It keeps freezing up. Argh!
Upgrade to Windows 10 not supported. No windows serial number provided with a purchase, so downgrade to 7 also not so easy either. I then wasted about 3 days trying to get it running as a Hackintosh using UniBeast and OS X El Capitan. Arrrgh! OK, you could also say I ‘spent 5 days successfully identifying what DOESN’T work!’ Whatever.
Finally, searching in newsgroups and forums I found a solution! Yeah! Installed http://elementary.io/ You are asked to give a donation of any amount and can download it right away. Took me 30 minutes and works like a charm. Like my MacBook pro actually! Ha! Prepared the usb with disk utility and used their provided installer to create a bootable USB on my Mac.
No code. Too easy!
The simplest, most effective, and elegant UNIX-based OS next to Apple’s OS X. (same operating system as Mac and the Bank of China.)
Finally, a Unix OS that is easy and user-friendly, emulating the Mac experience. And you can get it for a donation of $5, 10 or 15! Incredible!
Wifi connected right away during the install process. Pre-Installed browser etc. Installed free apps from the app store (Libreoffice, Gimp -a photoshop type app, and Firefox) – and woohoo!
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Have a great day!